Neka came to us as a two-year old stray who was living as a shelter dog. No one wanted her because she had some major issues. First, she was a large dog. Next she was a black dog. But her largest issues were that she was moderately dog aggressive and she was very shy around people. In fact, the shelter told me that she could only be placed in a home with NO other pets and no small kids. That worked for me as I didn’t have either! They also said that she would not be able to be around other dogs because she would most likely get into lots of fights.
Despite these issues, there was something about her that I really liked. From the very first moment, she seamed to be drawn to me, and I to her. So I took her home. After lots of work and careful socialization she was able to play (off leash) with all of the neighbor dogs. After still more work, she became comfortable around almost all humans too. And to the amazement of some of the shelter workers, for the last two years of her life she even had a room-mate.
Today marks the one year anniversary of her passing. The atmosphere around here today is slalom and full of memories, both good and bad. The bad memories are on a very short list. They only consist of her suddenly becoming ill and the horror and panic of her final hours fighting for life. The list of good memories is a much longer list. In the almost four years that she spent as a part of our lives she learned to trust and respect humans and learned that other dogs were something to celebrate and enjoy. She found out that they were friends, not enemies. She was even working on her CGC certification and she was visiting a nursing home several times a month.
As we remember her brief life cut short by illness, she will always have a place in our hearts. Here are a few photos that spark good memories for all who knew her!

A shot of Neka "Chillin" on a crisp Winter's Day.

Neka giving me a sad look because I told her we were going back in the house.

Neka loved the cold. She looked forward to going out and laying in the snow.