Prepare Your Dog For the Holidays
“Making the Holidays Fun and Safe for Your Dog!”
Prepare Your Dog For The Holidays
It is very important to prepare your dog for the holidays. If you have a puppy, a recently adopted or a younger dog, they may have never experienced the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. The holiday season is a time to create memories that will last a lifetime. It is a time for family and friends to come together for parties and festive meals. It is also a season full of sights and smells that wake the senses. Christmas trees trimmed with colorful decorations, turkey, stuffing, pies and cookies baking in the oven, and lots of new presents and wrapping paper all over the floor on Christmas day.
Unfortunately, with all of the added festivities the holiday season brings, it also brings new dangers to our pets. Your dog may not be used to having a lot of people and activities going on. This can add a lot of stress to your dog’s life. Because of this you need to make sure you have a “quiet place” that your dog can retreat to. That way it can get away from everything and everyone and relax.
Other Holiday Dangers
Most seasoned pet owners know that there are many holiday related items that can be very dangerous for pets. But sometimes it helps to be reminded of them. For the newer pet owners here, this may be the first time you’ve seen this list. If this information saves just one family from a holiday disaster it will have been worth it.

Holiday parties often include a few adult beverages. Make sure you keep them out of the reach of pets. Even a small amount of alcohol may cause vomiting, loss of coordination, and disorientation in your pet. Larger amounts can even cause death. Shots and mixed drinks can do damage even faster.
Any cooked bones are dangerous for your dog. Turkey and chicken bones are extremely dangerous because the splinter very easily. Ham and beef bone also splinter, just not as easily. All cooked bones can have dangerous effects when swallowed. They can cause internal injury. Never intentionally give cooked bones to your pets. When you put food out on your counter or table make sure that your pets can’t get to it. Also make sure that they can’t get to the surfaces where the dirty dishes are placed.
Candles can offer an intimate and elegant element to your holiday gatherings. They can also add a very dangerous element to them as well. Make sure that candles are nowhere near the reach of your pets. Flames can easily find wagging tails and curious noses. They can be tipped into things that can easily catch fire.
Most pet owners know that chocolate is toxic to pets. Unsweetened baking chocolate and dark chocolates are the worst. Milk chocolate is not as toxic, but things like fudge, and other chocolate candy can still be dangerous and cause severe illness. Symptoms of chocolate poisoning include: diarrhea, vomiting, seizures, nervousness, and death.
Christmas Decorations
Christmas Trees
Look at your Christmas tree from your dog’s eyes. All of the sudden there’s a big tree in the house. If it doesn’t just completely frighten him, it will most likely raise some major curiosity in him. To avoid your tree being pulled over and destroyed, be sure to secure your tree in a sturdy stand and block off any access to it. You may also want to limit the amount of decorations you use on the bottom of the tree and make sure there isn’t anything dangling that your dog can get a hold of or pull on.
Garbage Cans
Once your holiday party or family feast is over, make sure the table scraps, foil, and other waste goes into a sealed trash can. Be aware that your pets have a great nose and they may be able to open cupboards, doors and garbage cans. Just make sure these places are well secured.
Pine Needles
If your dog likes to chew, it may want to chew on or ingest pine needles from a real tree. If this happens it can cause vomiting, abdominal pain, depression, and possibly obstruction of the GI tract. In addition, Christmas trees are often sprayed with paint or preservatives. If a fertilizer is used it can also be extremely harmful to your dog.
Some holiday plants are harmful to pets. These plants include poinsettias, mistletoe, and holly. Ingesting even a small amount of plants like these can cause mouth and stomach irritation, seizures and death. If you use these plants to decorate your home, keep them out of the reach of your pets.
Your pets are counting on you to keep them safe from these dangers. They have no idea that they are dangerous. A few simple preventative steps can assure that this holiday season will be a healthy and happy experience for you, your family and friends. Including your four footed friends.
I hope you will all have happy and healthy holiday season.
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