Dog's Do the Strangest Things
Why do dogs do some of the things they do? This is a question that is probably asked a million times a day all over the world.
In my case, I probably ask it several times a day myself! This morning for instance: While eating, Patchs took a mouthful of food, walked over to the corner of the room, dropped it on the floor and tried to cover it up with her nose … then went back for more food. She then went to a new corner and did the same thing again!
When eating from her bowl, she will take a bit, bump the bowl a few inches and take another bit or two. By the time she gets done, the bowl is all the way across the room.
She does all kinds of strange things that amuse me. But I have never found anyone that can answer the question, WHY?
What kinds of strange things does your dog do?