Can Transitioning from Puppy Food to Dog Food Cause Loose Stools?

“Changing Over Should Be A Slow Process”

Can Transitioning from Puppy Food to Dog Food Cause Loose Stools?


Changing from Puppy Food to Dog Food

Anytime you make a change to your dog’s diet it could cause loose stool and upset stomach. It can also cause vomiting in some more extreme cases. Even with the same brand, changing from puppy food to dog food can do the same thing.

When making any change to your dog’s diet be sure to change over very slowly. We recommend that you gradually decrease the amount of the current dog food while increasing the amount of new dog food at the same rate.

Add a small amount (10-15% of total) of the new food every day or so until you get changed over to all new food. If your dog can eat just about anything, you can do it much faster. However for most dogs this process should take about seven to fourteen days. It also depends on how well your dog accepts the taste of the new food too.

Upset Stomach can result from Switching Dog Food too quickly. Your dog may become gassy, start vomiting or develop diarrhea after you started a new food. If this happens, cut back or stop blending in the new food and contact your veterinarian. The new food is most likely the culprit but you need to be sure.

Can Transitioning from Puppy Food to Dog Food Cause Loose Stools?

Your dogs vision is much more adaptative to low-light situations. This is due to having a much larger pupil that lets in more light. The center of the retina is much more light-sensitive therefore a dog can see much better in dim light than a human can.

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Contact A Better Dog4U if you have any questions or if you need any help with your training. We will be glad to set up a personal consultation in order to help you any way that we can.

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