The 2 Minute Dog Training Program
Makes Training Fun For You And Your Dog Again
What is the 2 Minute Dog Training Program
Why Should You Be Using The 2 Minute Dog Training Program? It’s really very simple! The program is fun, it’s easy to do, and most importantly … It Works on Any Dog of Any Age!
Training your dog is not just a one-time process. It’s not just something you do when the dog is young or when you first bring it into your family. In order for any behavior training to work effectively it has to become part of your dog’s daily life. This means that the things you teach your dog has to be reinforced every single day of your dog’s life. If not, your dog will forget it over time. Like the old saying goes: “If you don’t use it, you lose it.”
Another great reason you need the 2 Minute Training Program.
Like everyone else these days, you most likely lead a very busy life! We all have impossible schedules to keep. We are always “on the go” and there never seems to be enough time to get everything done. These reasons (and a few others) are exactly why you need our 2 Minute Dog Training program. Using this easy-to-follow program makes training your dog easy to fit into any busy schedule regardless of how hectic it might be.
This Training Program is Not Some Crazy New Gimmick.
The 2 Minute Dog Training Program is not some new fad or a crazy gimmick. There are no special training theories to learn and no special things that you’ll need to buy in order to use it. You don’t even have to download a software program or a special app onto your computer or your phone in order to use it. It can’t get any simpler than that!
I began developing and testing this program in the summer of 1991 when I started training my new 9-week-old Dalmatian puppy. Yes, I’ve made a few minor changes to it over the years. But the fact is, I’ve been using this program on my own dogs and the dogs of my clients with great success for more than 32 years now.
2-Minute Dog Training Makes Dog Training Fun Again.
Our program not only makes training fun for you, it also makes it fun for your dog too. And if your dog isn’t having fun, it will get frustrated and it won’t want to do the training.
When you start seeing quick progress, the training becomes more fun for you. And when your dog sees you having fun, it will have more fun and become more engaged. In fact, when you follow the program, your dog will actually look forward to training and will want to learn all kinds of new things from you.
The 2-Minute Training Program also makes your life easier while it improves your relationship with your dog. And best of all, you won’t need to set aside any special time during the day for lengthy training sessions. You won’t need them!
How many times have you said, “I was so busy I didn’t have much time to train my dog this week. Or, I had to work late, or, my kids had school functions, or I was just too tired by the time I got home”. I know how you feel, We’re all busy! I’ve been there too. But with the 2-Minute Training Program these issues won’t be a problem anymore. You can fit a 2-minute training session in almost any time of day.
Ongoing Training.
If you want your dog to be a great family pet your dog’s training must be a lifetime commitment. Just like a human, your dog needs to practice what it knows every day. This training program is the perfect solution for ongoing training. It’s fast, it’s simple, and it’s 100% sustainable.
Every dog is different. No two dogs learn in the same way. No two dogs learn at exactly the same rate either. The 2 Minute Training Program is by its very nature a fully customizable program. Because of this, the program will be able to adapt with you and your dog over time so you can always meet your dog’s exact training needs.
So, Let’s Get Started! Contact Me Right Now and let’s talk about how the 2 Minute Dog Training Program will make your life easier and make life more fun for both you and your dog!