Arrrrrrrmy Training Sir! – Sunday Funnies
Another funny photo from ENJOY!!! and please remember to help us by posting your answers to Friday's post. Thanks
Another funny photo from ENJOY!!! and please remember to help us by posting your answers to Friday's post. Thanks
Sometimes it's very hard to keep your dog from going bad. And when it happens, the authorities have to step in.
[youtube] This is one of my favorite Christmas videos. I love watching these dog decorate the Christmas Tree. I hope you
One of the the Funniest Videos on YouTube. [youtube]
A wealthy man decided to go on a safari in Africa. He took his faithful pet dachshund along for company. One day,
I just picked up a new car alarm at my local Animal Shelter. How do Ya Like It?
Squirrels, Squirrels, Squirrels .. @#+%! There is one thing in this world I can NOT allow. And that is: I can NOT
A doctor, an engineer, and a lawyer go out hunting in the woods one day. Each of them brings along his hunting
I Found this photo on and I thought it would be perfect for this week's Sunday Funnies! Be Safe,